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Individual exhibitions

2022        Natural Pulse

                Espacio en Tránsito Gallery 


2017        Presence Active

                Madhaus Gallery

                Two-person exhibition with María José Benvenuto




2014        Universidad Católica de Chile                       

                Bachelor of Visual Arts


2014        Universidad Católica de Chile

                Minor of Architecture "Problems 

                and trends of Architecture 

                and the city"


2015        Gabriela Mistral University

             Bachelor's degree in Education




A B O U T 

My paintings of landscapes and natural elements seek to recreate the introspective and contemplative experience of being sorrounded by nature. 


I think it is essential to preserve the aesthetics of the slow, to go back to the simple. To value the handmade, the things that take time. To enjoy the process without always being thinking about the result. To give space to silence, to reflection.    


Through my work I want to rescue the experience of being in nature, to inhabit it and connect with its rhythms and cycles. In this artificial world, focused on speed, efficiency and superficiality, the inherent human need to connect with nature, to perceive with all the senses and to be deeply rooted in the present moment, has become more and more evident.


We are so immersed in immediacy that we have lost the art of doing nothing and knowing how to value it, and this determines the way we interact with our environment. I propose to rethink our relationship with nature and to appreciate it in all its forms. To get out of the frenetic pace of the system and tune in to the natural pulse.



Collective exhibitions and fairs

2024         Our artists, creators of Las Condes   

                   Centro Cultural de Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. 


2023        Launching Espacio Mancha

                Edificio Alonso, Santiago, Chile.


2022        ART BASEL Spectrum 

                Mana, Wynwood, Miami, Florida.


2022        ART STGO

                Centro GAM, Santiago, Chile.


2021        FAXXI

                Art fair, Santiago, Chile.


2019        Artefacto

                Lo Matta Cultural, Santiago, Chile.


2019        ART BASEL Spectrum 

                Mana, Wynwood, Miami, Florida.


2019        Queen "Capturing a legend"

                La Sala Gallery, Santiago, Chile.


2019        Laguna Art

               Integral life Centre Laguna,

                Zapallar, Chile.


2018        Art Stgo

                Centro GAM, Santiago, Chile.


2017        Art Stgo

                Centro GAM, Santiago, Chile 


2015        The spontaneous order

                Progress Foundation,

                Santiago, Chile.


2013        Bienal de Florencia IX Edición

                Fortezza Da Basso, Florencia,



2013        Painting projects 

                Salón Audi, Santiago, Chile. 





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